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Hey i tryed these commands but it keeps saying package not found. Do you know how to get these packages or what should i do ?
Vincent Verloop
Which version of Kali OS have you installed. Did you upgrade to latest version? Support for RTL8812AU is since Kali Linux 2017.1 Release.
This is the original blog post:
Also you can check your Sources.list file, if you have the correct repositories. See the following link:
You can also search for drivers:
apt-cache search realtek-*
I have version 5.2.0 off Virtualbox. I also tryed installing the extansion pack 5.2..0
If i type in apt-cache serch realtek, It says: Firmware-realtek – Binary firmware for realtek wired/wifi/bt adapt.
What repositories should i have ?
Thanks for the effort
Vincent Verloop
You should update Kali to latest version:
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade
My Virtualbox and Kali linux are up to date have dubble checked it and still nothing I have looked if i have installed the driver firmware-realtek and i did have this allready installed. But still after i try: apt install realtek-rtl8812xxau-dkms. it keeps saying unable to locate package realtek-rtl8812xxau-dkms.
I tryed also a new kali linux on vitrual box with the same steps but still it doesnt work.
When i use the command: lsusb. you can see the Alpha adapter
Vincent Verloop
Check sources.list file in Kali and read docs.kali.org for the correct repositories…
With me at VMware image, there is no problem with the package…
It worked i have changed the sources list . I deleted every file with # before it and putted this in replace:
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
After that i just did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade
Reboot and then just : apt install realtek-rtl88xxau-dkms
Vincent Verloop
Good to hear that it is working now 🙂
Vincent Verloop
This is the link to the page of docs.kali.org, where you find the correct latest repository.
Vincent Verloop
When problems with installing the driver. See the following link: https://forums.kali.org/showthread.php?36814-How-to-install-AWUS036ACH-Drivers-and-getting-it-running